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Ping pong tables for public spaces must be sturdy, stable, anti-graffiti and resistant to intense matches in any weather. 

This type of tables are specially manufactured to be installed in spaces where they will withstand intensive use, such as squares, parks, school playgrounds, sports areas and all kinds of urban spaces.

They must be fixed to the ground, whether it is concrete, sand or grass, in order to ensure their stability so that they cannot cause any mishap among their users.

Here you can find several models of outdoor ping pong tables to choose the option that best suits your needs. 




Benefits of playing ping pong outdoors.

Table tennis or ping pong is a sport that has more and more followers and practitioners, both at professional and amateur level or simply as entertainment. It is becoming more and more common to see people playing table tennis in outdoor spaces such as parks, school playgrounds, campsites, residential areas or in private gardens to enjoy playing a few games with their friends.

If we have already made the decision that we want an outdoor table tennis table, the next step is to think about where we are going to use it and how often. If it is going to be in the garden to play with family or friends, to train at a professional level, to install in a school, sports center or in a public space.

In any case, the benefits of installing an outdoor ping pong table in a public or private space are many, both for children and teenagers as well as for adults:

  1. It favours the development of reflexes and coordination, as arms, legs, trunk, head and waist are exercised during the game.
  2. It contributes to physical and social development.
  3. Promotes understanding of rules and norms.
  4. Improves body motor skills and balance.
  5. Boosts concentration and cognitive development.
  6. Cultivate and enhance community participation.
  7. They teach how to win and lose, and how to make decisions.
  8. Improves visual acuity.
  9. Playing ping pong the chances of injuries are very low, as it is a low impact and non-injurious sport.

As you can see, there are many reasons to introduce table tennis in school playgrounds, and public spaces.

Questions to ask when buying a ping pong table for outdoor play.

Many are the questions we ask ourselves when we want to buy an outdoor ping pong table. We will try to solve all your doubt

Can they be used outdoors and indoors?

Although they are obviously intended for outdoor installation, there are tables that can also be used indoors. What we should never do is to place an indoor ping pong table outdoors and leave it there indefinitely. Another thing is to take it outdoors to play and then put it away again. 

In fact, we have a model of outdoor ping pong table that can also be installed indoors: See the model of indoor and outdoor ping pong table.

Can they stay outdoors all year round?

The answer is yes, if the outdoor table tennis table is of good quality and certified. Be careful with this, because many tables that are advertised as outdoor ping pong tables, are not completely and if they are exposed to the outside 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the inclement weather will take its toll on the table will be damaged in a short time.

If we really want to leave the ping pong table always installed outdoors, we must pay attention to the manufacturing materials.

The Forte outdoor ping pong table is the best on the market for installation in public spaces, school playgrounds, sports areas or recreational areas.

The table top of this anti-vandal ping pong table is made of top quality reinforced steel chassis covered with fibreglass and mixed with special resins, acquiring an extreme resistance to vandalism and inclement weather. The playing surface is finished with gel-coats with anti-graffiti properties. 

In addition, all the metal parts of this outdoor table tennis table (legs, net and suspenders) are covered with a thermoplastic material that provides, among others, the following features:

✔ Excellent resistance to corrosion.
✔ Good weathering and UV rays.
✔ High resistance to impact and abrasion.
✔ Chemical stability in aggressive environments.
✔ Electrical and acoustic insulation.
✔ Compliance with sanitary standards.
✔ Smooth, glossy and pleasant to the touch finish.

Permanent  outdoor table tennis table with green top
Playing ping pong in the park
Heavy-duty  outdoor table tennis table in public park

Parts make up an outdoor ping pong table.

An outdoor ping pong table must withstand, as we have already mentioned, the inclement weather, such as cold, rain, humidity, intense summer heat, sudden changes in temperature and saltpeter, if installed near the sea.

It has a similar appearance to indoor ping pong tables, but with the main difference being its table top and structure.

Table top: 

The table top must be made of a material that will not be affected by the weather, as it will be continuously exposed to the elements. 

One option is the tabletops made of high quality SMC (Sheet Molding Compound). SMC is a type of composite material, formed by a thermosetting resin, a fiber reinforcement, fillers and additives to improve or provide certain final properties to the piece. Here you have a table model with this type of table top: the outdoor ping pong table, Sport model.

Another option are outdoor ping pong tables with a table top made of fibreglass, the same material used in the construction of pleasure boats.

This fiberglass table top is the one used in our anti-vandal outdoor ping pong tables, which are manufactured with a top quality reinforced steel chassis, covered with fiberglass and mixed with special resins, acquiring an extreme resistance to vandalism and weather conditions.

The playing surface is finished with gel-coats with anti-graffiti properties with incorporated playing lines inside, achieving a total protection against deterioration and obtaining with this treatment a fast game and an active and non-sliding bounce of the ball.

The corners of all its perimeter as well as the sides are rounded in order to avoid accidents due to impact.


The legs and the whole structure of the table must also be sturdy and provide security when playing, as it makes it more stable and robust so that there are no problems when you lean on it. The structure is made up of the legs, the suspenders and the stabilizing bars.

Generally all metal parts of outdoor ping pong tables, including the net, are baked painted. We have gone one step further by coating all these metal parts with a thermoplastic material, which gives the public outdoor ping pong tables anti-corrosive characteristics to withstand all types of weather. This is a protection that no other table of these characteristics in the market has market

How to choose an outdoor table tennis table.

When choosing an outdoor table tennis table there are many factors to consider. The choice is a very important decision:

- Type of game. That is, if you play outdoor table tennis as a hobby or as a professional, the requirements will be different. If you want a good bounce of the ball, the best is a table with a thicker top.

- Stable and robust. It is essential that the structure of the ping pong table is sturdy and stable, since it must be taken into account that they will be installed in parks, squares, school playgrounds, where children will have access to them. All these models of outdoor ping pong tables have these characteristics. 

- Outdoor area where you are going to place it. The Urban Sports outdoor ping pong tables are fixed, i.e. they are anchored to the ground on a concrete base. Therefore, if you want to install them on another type of surface, such as earth or grass, you must first lay a concrete base or at least make some footings so that they can be screwed down and thus be fixed to the ground, so that they cannot move and do not pose any danger to users.

-Weather resistant as it will be installed outdoors.

- Anti-vandal and anti-graffiti. The table top must be anti-graffiti, as being exposed in the street can be a target for graffiti and vandalism. Our outdoor ping pong tables have a game board finished with gel-coats with anti-graffiti properties. In case of being painted, passing through the affected area of the board a cloth with a little solvent or acetone, the graffiti will disappear instantly.

Where to buy an outdoor ping pong table for public spaces?

If you look on the internet, or even in many physical shops, you can find outdoor ping-pong tables. There are an infinite number of models. Some are fixed, others are built in, others have wheels to move them around, with covers, without covers, with one type of table top, with another, etc.

But if you have come this far in reading this post, you already know the characteristics that a ping pong table must have to be placed outdoors, in places such as parks, squares, private gardens, school playgrounds, camp sites, recreational and sports areas, etc.

And all these requirements are only met by the outdoor table tennis table models from Urban Sports.

If you decide to buy an outdoor table tennis table, you will choose any of our models.

1. Indoor and outdoor table tennis tables: Fixed on a concrete base, the table top is made of high quality SMC (Sheet Molding Compound). High resistance to weather and graphite, as well as to vandalism. Can be installed both indoors and outdoors. A cheap outdoor table tennis table at the best price, but made with the highest quality materials.

2. Vandal-proof outdoor table tennis tables. The best tables on the market. Manufactured and distributed by Urban Sports. With fibreglass board, thermoplasticized metal parts, including the net, so they are not affected by the weather or corrosion. They are fixed to the concrete floor and are anti-graffiti and vandal-proof.

Of course, all our outdoor table tennis tables are of the standard sizes for outdoor table tennis.

So now you know, if you still don't know where to buy an outdoor table tennis table, the best options can be found at Urban Sports.

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